Vision & Values


We believe in a world where no one suffers from preventable foot diseases. We envision a future where everyone in East Africa has the knowledge and resources to protect themselves from jiggers and live healthier lives.


Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable to the communities we serve, our partners, donors, and each other. We take responsibility for our actions and ensure we deliver on our commitments.

Courage: We embrace innovation, take calculated risks, and lead by example. We are not afraid to explore new avenues and push boundaries to create lasting change.

Empowerment: We believe in empowering citizens, families, and local institutions. Providing opportunities, education, and resources enables individuals and communities to uplift themselves and take control of their futures.

Partnership: Collaboration is at the heart of our work. We foster partnerships on the ground, engage with other organizations, and work closely with all levels of government. Together, we can make a more significant impact and drive sustainable change.

Transparency: We are transparent in everything we do. We openly share our actions, costs, and outcomes, ensuring that our stakeholders have access to reliable information. Transparency builds trust and fosters effective communication.


We firmly believe that love and hope can transform nations at Sole Hope. Our inspiration comes from the example set by the greatest Servant, Jesus. While we are not registered with the US Government as a Religious Organization and do not distribute tracts in Uganda, the heart behind Sole Hope is deeply rooted in our faith. We love Jesus and strive to serve others daily, just as He did. Prayer guides every decision, ensuring our actions align with our core beliefs.

Join us on this journey of love, hope, and transformative change. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need and create a brighter future for impoverished communities.